Saturday 14 June 2008


My typibng will go to pot as the japanese keyboards r different spent about 10 mins trying to find the underscore!!!!!As u then may have guessed we have arrived safe, but annoyingly cannot have our room till one so being VERY tired we are trying to do things in 3 hrs wen we shud be sleeping!!! Had to have our fingerprints taken and photo at immigration, but so far Japan doesnt seem too hi-tech just very very efficient (like the white gloved train officials who usher u onto the train), anyway going to look at Tokyos most venerable buddhist temple in a min...have to force my eyes open to stay awake - altho saying that i did get 3 seats to lie out on the plane as it wasnt full so ran to them as quick as the captain said u can move around now and heard about 3 people go "dam it, iwanted those!!!!" HAHA my quick moves foiled them all.

This is a day later....
As u might have read Japan had earthquake at 7 on richter scale but dont worry it was 240 miles south of tokyo!!!!! HOWEVER, me and fran were lying in bed and i was like "erm fran i think the bed is moving" and she goes "yeah the door is too"!!!! quite alarmed we remained in bed and it dramatic....we are fine mum dont panic. Anyway had awesome time today, done alot!!! Had to figure out the sprawling tube system which we deciphered after about 15 mins of just standing there going "erm....." finally managed to get to the Imperial palace which was....RUBBISH!!!! U pretty much arent allowed to see anything so that was a short trip and we left!!!! Then went to Roppongi Hills which is this VERY swanky business and shopping area, and had sushi for lunch with a proper sushi train...SO YUMMY!!!! Its actually pretty cheap here which is weird! Is it Lehman brothers that Jo works out? Cos they had their massive tower in the swanky area!!! Went to Harajuku (yes ali and lu the place where Gwen gets her girls....) loads of teenagers in the weirdest fashions hanging around down this chockablock street selling all kinds of tat!!! Also visited the Shrine of the Meiji emperors, going through beautiful gardens and in perfect season as covered with stunning irises - amazing colour!!! My feet hurt after all this walking!!!! Hopefully going to the fish market very early tomorrow, and then to the gadget area!!!! I love Tokyo (except for the whole earthquake thing...!) lots of love xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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